Friday, September 16, 2011

Harajuku Lovers Party

Before you see the pictures below, I'd like to credit the photographs to
Little Venice Pictures +62 85959 8528 41 Arbert Connery

Belum lama ini kenalan sama Roosiane Khouw... Kalau lihat fotonya engga nyangka anaknya udah 3... (lain banget sama gue... when people see me they would think "kirain anaknya udah 3"... GRghh@!@**@*@) ... Anyway, chit chat for awhile then she decided to order Dessert Table and Decorations for her daughter 9th birthday party at Kelapa Gading... That's Roosi yang lagi pegang tangan anaknya utk potong kue... (see what I mean x_x)

Sempet bingung, karena Roosie requested a "Harajuku Lovers" Party... I was like... Oh dear what is that... Tapi setelah tanya ke Mbah Google, Tadaaa... This is how it turs out

It's like reading an anime comic :)

Happy Birthday, Kezia... Enjoy being 9 :)

I remember my 9th birthday party... And it wasn't anything (even close) to this... Envy! :) :)
Through the nature of my business, I'd like to dedicate all birthday parties with ChocoLove to the birthday parties I've never had... (mellow, dehhhh)

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